Commodity Tips Of Today and MCX Gold Tips.

MCX Tips and Gold Live Update

Gold Trend Of Today:- The price of Gold is increasing day by day.In market trend, after the large decrement of the price of the gold that is the discounted price of $30, the price of gold is still more then rs.29500.Basically, the price of gold in indian market is comparatively weak then the price of gold in international market. The price of gold is more supportive in international market as compared to indian market.There will be huge decrement of shares and their prices in market. On the other side, the silver is traded with the current market price of rs.37250.
In international market, the price of crude oil was decreased by 0.5% and comparatively with indian market, the crude oil is traded with the normal flow.In MCX, the price of crude oil is traded with the market price of rs.2220.On the other side, the natural gas in mcx was traded with the decreased price and natural gas was decreased by 2%.


MCX Copper (February futures): Sell - 322, and target- 327 -315

MCX silver (March futures): Buy - 37200, stoploss - 36600 and target - 38000