Pre Budget Market closed on the all time high note yesterday. Both Indian share market index closed above the expected bench mark. BSE Sensex closed at 26123.5 and NSE Nifty at 7792. Although the midcap shares shown the consolidate trend. Upcoming railway budget that is scheduled to announce today will give new directions to the stock market. If fresh initiatives taken in the rail budget today to further improve the railway all the railway stocks will witness upside move. Right after the announcement of railway Budget 2014 the market may get little volatile. Market may also witness the profit booking today.
Stock Trading Tips & Best Stocks to Buy Sell in Today's Trading
- Kotak Mahindra Bank: Buy above 876 for the Intraday Target of 883-885 with Stop Loss at 872.
- Cipla: Buy above 452 for the Intraday Target of Rs 458-460.